5. Omniscience . Illustrated by the history of Adam and Eve, of Abel and Cain; by every prophecy of the O. T. Proclaimed by Samuel 221; by David 243 248; by Susanna 332. God knew the secret sins of David 243; of Achab 276; testified to by our Lord in the Sermon of the Mount 475.
6. Wisdom. In Creation 7; in the story of Jacob 78; of Joseph 103; of the people of Israel 117 — 176; in the history of mankind 376; in the work of redemption 287 310.
7. Holiness . Lev. 21,8; 31 39 135. “Holy and terrible is His Name”. Ps. no, 9. “Hallowed be Thy Name”. “Holy Father, keep them in Thy Name” 644.
8. Goodness. All good things come from Him 83 126 252 478; Manifested in His lavish gifts to Men and Angels 9 — 19; in the preservation of the human race through Noe; in the repeated promise of a Redeemer; in the special election and guidance of the people of Israel; in the case of individuals as Joseph, Solomon, Elias, Tobias, Daniel; finally and fully in the Incarnation of His Only-begotten Son 401 452.
9. Justice. Manifested in the sin of the Angels n; of our first parents 26; of Cain 31; in the deluge 39; in the destruction of Sodom 64; in the history of Esau and Jacob; of Joseph and his brethren; in the ten plagues; in the sedition of Core; in the destruction of the Chanaanites, of the kingdoms of Israel and Juda, of Jerusalem; in the parable of Lazarus and Dives; in the punishment of Herod the Great and Herod Agrippa; of Ananias and Saphira.
10. Mercy and Compassion . Manifested in the promise of a Redeemer 26; in the deluge 39; in the sin of the golden calf 160; in the brazen serpent 182 — 184; in the case of the judges 200—203; in forgiving the sin of David 243; in promising to forgive all, even the greatest, sins 312 (“If your sins be as scarlet &c.”); in the deliverance from Babylonian captivity 326 338 349. — The Mercy and Compassion of Jesus manifested in the cure of the paralytic 467; of the leper 487; of Mary Magdalen 496; of the prodigal son 568; in feeding the hungry multitude 528; in the repentance of Peter 669; in the conversion of Saul 766; in the institution of the Sacrament of penance 723.
The Holy Trinity. A plurality of divine persons signified in the O. T. 7 17; clearly revealed in the N. T. 432 447 646 733. The Father sent His Son into the world (Incarnation), and the Son sent the Holy Ghost, visibly once (on Pentecost), invisibly whenever a soul is sanctified by grace. By sanctifying grace the Holy Ghost with Father and Son dwells in our hearts.