g) by the fact that all the promises of the Messias were fulfilled in Him, especially in those things foretold by the prophets:
1. concerning the time of His Birth 376; the place of His Birth 413; His descent from David (and the virginity of His Mother) 239 3i3 387.
2. the circumstances of His Life 454 494 606 (His solemn entry into Jerusalem); as well as the circumstances and details of His Passion and Death 690 701 706.
3. about His Resurrection 71 1; Ascension 733; and the descent of the Holy Ghost 739.
4. about the foundation and everlasting duration of His Church 540 806.
Preparation of the Gentiles for the Redeemer: the deluge 38; destruction of Sodom 64; the plagues of Egypt 139 ; Balaam 186; Naaman 284; Jonas 290; overthrow of Israel 294; dream of Nabuchodonozor 337; Daniel 345 377.
Condition of the world at the Advent of Christ: 338 (despotism); 346 (idolatry); 554 (slavery); 783 785 (deification of men). A picture of the misery of mankind before Christ 501.
The Divinity of Christ is attested:
a) by the prophets 239 313 (Isaias: “God Himself will come and save you”); especially by John the Baptist 426 (“He will baptize with the Holy Ghost”); 435 (“Behold the Lamb of God ... He was before me ... I give testimony that He is the Son of God”). By the angel Gabriel 382 (“He shall convert many to the Lord their God \ And he shall go before Him"); 386 (“He shall be called the Son of the Most High . . . He shall be called the Son of God . . . He shall save the people from their sins”). By the angel to the shepherds 402 (“A Saviour who is Christ the Lord”). By Elizabeth 390 (“Whence is this to me that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?”). By Zachary 395 (“Thou child shalt be called the prophet of the Highest, for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord”).
b) by God the Father at the Baptism in the Jordan 429 (“This is My beloved Son” &c.); and at the Transfiguration 543.
c) by Christ Himself:
1. by His words 421 (“Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?”); 442 446 (“Make not the house of My Father a house of traffic”); 447 (“God so loved the world as to give His Only-begotten Son . . . God sent His Son into the world”); 500 (“Whatsoever things the Father doth, these the Son also doth in like manner . . . For as the Father raiseth the dead &c. . . . that all men may honour the Son as they