The Incarnation of the Son of God was foreshadowed 203 (Gedeon's fleece); foretold by Isaias 313; announced by Gabriel 385.
There are two natures in Christ: Declaration of David 239; Isaias 313. The Annunciation 385; the Nativity 400; the Child Jesus in the Temple 422; our Lord’s discourse with Nicodemus 447; the storm on the lake 514.
Mary is the Mother of God: 385 (the Annunciation); 390 (the Holy Ghost speaks through Elizabeth).
Mary has co-operated in our salvation 385 698; power of her intercession 441.
Types of Mary: 27 389 (Eve); 320 (Judith); 356 (Esther).
Virtues of Mary : 389 393 410 419 423 441 560.
Sorrow’s of Mary: 410 698 707. Her death and assumption into heaven 801.
St. Joseph: 419 (his virtues and his high place in the kingdom of God); 441 (his blessed death).
Type of St. Joseph: 108 (“Go to Joseph”).
The reason why the Son of God became incarnate: 84 (the heavenly ladder); 401; 447 (Jesus Himself told Nicodemus); 655 (Agony in the garden; only God can redeem us 558.
Christmas 404.
Adoration of the shepherds 402; the Magi 41 1; 416 (signification of their gifts); 416 (Feast of the three kings).
Circumcision of Jesus 403.
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple 405.
Jesus subject at Nazareth 423.
His Baptism 428; fasting and temptation 429.
Jesus teaches: 447 (Nicodemus); 449 (the Samaritan woman); 454 (the Nazarites); 458 (in Galilee); 435 (He gathers disciples round Him); 518 (chooses twelve of them to be apostles).
Jesus proved the divinity of his doctrine by:
1. the holiness of His Life 590 (“Believe the works” &c.); 669 675 (gentleness of Jesus); 658 683 (His patience, innocence &c.); 676 (Procla’s dream); 741 (the holy One and the just); 773 (“Who went about doing good”).
2. by miracles: 438 446 452 (He knew secret and distant things); 439 (He changes water into wine); 442 (drives the buyers and sellers out of the Temple); 458 (drives out devils, cures Peter’s wife’s mother and many other sick). 461 (He proves He has dominion over nature by the miraculous draught of fishes); 465 (cure of the man sick of the palsy); 484 (by mere force of will He cures the leper and centurion’s servant; 489 (He proves His dominion over life and death by raising up the young man of Naim); 495 (He reads the thoughts of Simon the Pharisee); 498 (He heals the infirm man);