Types of the Cross of Christ: the Tree of knowledge 18; the wood which made the bitter water sweet 150; the budding rod of Aaron 180.
Jesus suffered as man: 652; throughout His whole life 410; (even in the manger) 401 447; finally, He was seized 656; mocked 674; scourged and crowned with thorns 676; sentenced to death by Pilate 679; and nailed to the Cross 686 702 706.
The miracles accompanying the Death of Jesus prove His divinity 696 700.
The way of the Cross 692; Good Friday 17 1 702; the dolours of Mary 406 410 698 707.
Jesus suffered willingly: 313 (Isaias); 401 601 639 659; in order to atone for our sins 313 (Isaias); 650 669 674 681 682 690 695 701; and to redeem us and open heaven to us 447 655 690 701.
Jesus suffered innocently 674 679 680.
Only God could redeem us 558.
Why not all men are saved 177 592 (Many are called &c.); 654.
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ foretold 238 (by David); 313 (by Isaias); 503 (the sign of Jonas).
Type: Jonas 291.
Limbo: 75 524 571.
“He descended into hell” 706; on the third day He rose again from the dead 710.
Significance of our Lord's Resurrection 712 794.
Proofs of the Resurrection of Christ: He appears 1. to Magdalen; 2. to the other women, 3. to Peter, 4. to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, to whom He expounds the Scriptures, 5. to the apostles, eats with them, explains the Scriptures, bequeaths His mission, and institutes the Sacrament of Penance, 6. to the eleven, and lets Thomas touch Him, 7. to seven disciples on the Sea of Galilee, and confers the chief pastorship on Peter, 8. to more than five hundred disciples on a mountain in Galilee, 9. to the apostles in the room at Jerusalem, and confers on them His teaching, priestly and pastoral office. Stupid lies of the chief priests 714 729.
The apostles are witnesses to the Resurrection 723.
The marks of the five wounds on Jesus' glorified Body 725.
The Paschal Feast in the Old and New Testament 144 713; the true Paschal Lamb 635 706.
Type of the glorified Redeemer: Solomon 260.
He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty 729.