Idolatry : tower of Babel 46; the golden calf 158; the Chanaanites 194; Nabuchodonosor 335; Babylon 344; the Roman empire 781; the men of Lystra 783; of Athens 791.
Superstition: dreams 90; Balak 185; the sorcerer at Cyprus 783. Sacrilege: Heli’s sons 214; Baltassar’s banquet 343; desecration of the Temple 361.
The veneration and invocation of Saints: Job’s intercession 127; Moses’ 151 160 177; Judith’s 320; Onias’ 372; the apostles’ 460; St. Stephen’s 757 The Angels and Saints know about us and our prayers: Raphael’s words to Tobias 306; vision of Judas 372; the joy of the angels over the conversion of one sinner 568.
We honour God in His Saints: the veneration of the Blessed Virgin 392; of St. Joseph 419.
The ivorship of Mary: the angel’s reverential greeting 385 ; St. Elizabeth’s greeting 390; the dignity of the Mother of God 392; her prophecy 391 504; the power of her intercession 441; Mary our Mother 698; the feeling towards her of the first Christians 736.
Veneration of pictures: 166 (the pictures of Cherubim in the Tabernacle).
Veneration of relics: the mantle of Elias 278; the bones of Eliseus 284; the girdle &c. of St. Paul 798.
Blasphemy: the Israelites in the desert 177; the Pharisees 466; the Jews at the Crucifixion 693 708.
Curses (imprecations): the people in the desert 177; Balak 185; the Jews 679 685.
Oaths: our Lord’s words 474; His oath 662.
Sinful oaths: Esau makes an unnecessary oath 79; Herod also 523; Peter’s false oath 667.
Vows: Jacob 82 84 88; Anna 213; Mary 389.
Zeal for Gods glory : Moses 160; David 234 250; Elias 272; Daniel 343; the Machabees 372; Mary 423; Jesus 446; Peter 738 744; Paul 798.
Institution of the Sabbath 7; commandment to keep it holy 154; example of Jesus 458; keeping holy Sunday instead of the Sabbath 725; divine worship of the early Christians 747.
Desecration of the Sabbath: manna did not fall on Sabbath 149; the Sabbath-breaker 180.
Permission to do work on the Sabbath 501 (“Take up thy bed and walk”).