Gluttony: Noe 45; Esau 79; the Israelites in the desert 149 160; it is hurtful to the health 328; Baltassar 343; Herod 525; the rich man 571.
Anger: Esau 79; Nabuchodonosor 338; Aman 353; Herod 419; the Nazarites 457; Herodias 523. Righteous or holy anger (zeal): Moses 160; Jesus 442; Paul and Barnabas 783.
Sloth: work a means of resisting sin 26; David’s tepidity 244; Solomon 260; Jesus works 423; the labourers in the vineyard 594; the foolish virgins 621; the slothful servant 624.
The six sins against the Holy Ghost:
1. Presumption: the men before the Flood 36; the inhabitants of Sodom 62; Judas 670.
2. Despair: Cain 30; Judas 670.
3. Resisting the known truth: the Pharisees 504; the reproach of St. Stephen against the unbelieving Jews 754 757.
4. Envy of another's spiritual good: Cain 29; the Pharisees 504 608; the Jews of Antioch in Pisidia 783.
5. Obstinacy in sin : Cain 29 32; Pharao 145; the kingdom of Israel 295; the kingdom of Juda 326; the Pharisees at the preaching of John the Baptist 425; at the preaching of Jesus 505; Jesus weeps over Jerusalem 607.
6. Final impenitence: the devil 12; Pharao 140; the Pharisees 425 504 579 684 713 738.
The four sins crying to heaven for vengeance: 31.
1. Wilful murder: Cain 30 (“The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth to Me”); Herod’s massacre of the Innocents 419; stoning of Stephen 754 758.
2. The sin of Sodom: the unchaste city of Sodom 62 (“The cry of Sodom and Gomorrha is multiplied”).
3. Oppression of the poor , widows and orphans: Pharao oppresses the Israelites 128; Jesus cries woe on the Pharisees 545.
4. Defrauding labourers of their wages: Tobias’ warning against it 301.
The nine ways in which we share in the sins of others :
1. By counsel: the young advisers of Roboam 264; the compassionate advisers of Eleazar 362; Herodias 524.
2. By command: Eve 21; Rebecca 76; David 244; Jeroboam 264; Jezabel 277; the chief priests and the watch at the sepulchre 714.
3. By consent: Achab 276; Saul 758.
4. By provocation: Putiphar’s wife 94; Job’s wife 127; Roboam 264; the accusers of Susanna 330; the Pharisees before Pilate 676.
5. By praise or flattery: The Jews after the murder of St. James 780.
6. By concealment: Joseph 92; Ruben 93; Herod’s guests 524. The lawful revealing of the sins of others: Joseph 92; Mardochai 356.