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30 NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS ___ __-j ..j——j . _. ._—-—-— . __ ... a—e-n0- up--an-o-Cantu-an o-au-u--.o-4—-a~—u—.aonu-av-v-o-~r6—ur-wun-or—v ! T.-YLOR.—LOYOLA: AND J ESUITISM IN ITS RUDIMENTS. | By Isaac Tiivi.oa,Author of “ Natural History of Enthusiasm,” &c. Post svo. los. Gd. cloth. i “ Viiriniiu l.«.uL- an iniliu-lual Jo-uit-, or on the «-nn~t'itutir-n- _nf the-ir_order, have lately aw, but atall ' preaching in interest or merit to I/iyula: and Jeniitinin in its Iludinients. . . . a book 1: Instant be yreail

any one who wishes to form a true idea of Loyola, and an idea of Jes-nitie1n."—Sl'lc‘rL1'on.

“ Ilr. Taylor has thrmm tngr-thrr, with the powerful graepof his mind,the_principal events and circunstanossw£ gave rise tn the in-Iitu'iun ufthe Jflllll. oril_er, and ski-tg:h_--d out the character of its founder with asnasterly hand. Alters! the trash tlist has lieen written on the -ul-ye-t ol'lat_e, it_ is _refreshing to turn over the pales of a wort In which fiesnljed is handled with the dl;.,'I|1)‘ and an erity of truth which its importance and the character of history alike demand." I TIIIRLWALL.-TIIE IIISTORY OF GREECE. By the Right Rev. the Loan Bisiior o! i'5‘l'.'DAVID’8_ (the Rev. Connop Thirlwall). A New Edition, revised; with Notes. Vols. I. to . 8vo. with Maps, 36s. cloth. To be in 8 volumes, price l2s. each. [Vol. VI. nearly ready. " We are glad to receive iinnther volume of this edition of Bishop 1'hirlwall’s ‘ History,’ and are quite satisied,¢nsa lmipeetian ot it-i eimtents, at tlu do-I.i_v which has oi-curreil in its appearance. The work is one of which Enzlish schohg. i-hip ma well he pimi«l—uiiitimz«l e.-iiilition with elegant taste, an intunate knowledge of 1|.‘ gag,’-¢u¢f(;,.,g history, Illll in «li-t-riiiiiiiatiiiz ju-lgnii-iit, and a very l'elii-ituu- style of composition. Having repeatedly expend an opinion on its meiitii, we shall not now make any attrrn it at elahurate criticisIn....We know of noclaasieal ' ‘ as a whole. is not-utitleil to zipprmnil and niliiiiratirin ii-hop Thirlwall h is evidently spared no pains to perfect work, | and he will lune his rewiirtl in the [M-irn.ino-nt hold it must taliv_on the p1lb|l¢_lnInd.._..Th€ present work is Iptothe requirements or the nrlmlar-hi of the day. It is erudite witlmiit I-eing_dry, and liberal without It liesxeah . the learning of a b( holar am the in -nnern of a gentleman and constitutes a the past, from which an “fig and the philosopher of our day may gain an instructive insight into the character and institutions of the Greeks." ' Ecnacnc Bxvrsw. 5* Also, an Edition in 8 vols. fcp. 8vo. with Vignette Titles, :82. 8s. cloth. THO.ISON’S SEASONS. Edited h Bot.-ros CORN HY, Esq. Illustrated with Seventy-seven Designs drawn on Wood, by Meiii iers of the Etching Club. Engraved biy Thompson and other eminent Engravers. laqiiare crown svo. uniform with “Goldsmith’s oems,’ 21s. cloth; or, bound in morocco, y Ila) day, 36s. TIIOMSON’S SEASONS. Edited with Notes, Philosgphical, Classical, Historical, and Biographical, by Aiirnosv TODD HOMSON, M.D. F.L. . Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. cloth. THOMSON.-THE DOMESTIC MANAGEMENT OF THE SICK ROOM, necessary, in Aid of Medical Treatment, for the Cure of Diseases. B Air-riioiiv Tonn THOMSON, M.I). F.I..S. Professor of Materia Medica and Thera and of Forensic Medicine, in University College, London. New Edition. Post 8vo. los. 6d. cloth. THOMSON .—TABLES OF INTEREST, At 'I'liree, Four, Four-and-a-Half, and Five per Cent., from One Pound to Ten Thousand, and from ()ne to Three Hundred and sixty-five Da'¥vS', iii a regular 1) ression of sin le Days; with interest at all the above Rates, from One to elve Months, an from One to Years. Also, numerous other Tables of Exchanges, Time, and Discounts. By JOHN Tnoxsoil, Accountant. New Edition. l2mo. 8s. bound. TIIOMSON.—SCHOOL CIIEMISTRY; Or, Practical Rudiments of the Science. By Ronaar DUNDAS Tnonsoiv, M.D. Masteria Surge in the University of Glasgow; Lecturer on Chemistry in the same University; and former y in the Medical Service of the Honourable East India Company. Pep. svo. with Woodcuts, 7s. cloth. I THOMSON.—EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES ON THE FOOD Of ANIMALS and the FAT'l'E.'ING Of CATTLE: with Remarks on the Food Oflflll. B! I Rosiiwr DUNDA8 THOMSON, MJ). Author of “ School Chemistry; or, Practical Rudiments of the Science.” Fcp. 8vo. 5s. cloth. . TI-IE THUMB BIBLE; Or, Verbum Sempitemum. By J. TAYLOR. Being an Epitome ‘of the Old and New’l‘esta- ments in English Verse. Printed from the Edition of 1693, by C. Whittingham, Chiswick. Mine. is. M. bound and clasped. TOMLINE.-AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE: containing Proofs of the Authenticit and Insriration of the Holy - a Summary of the History of the Jews; an ccount o the Jewish Sects; and a brief Statement of the Contents of the several Books of the Old and New Testaments. By Gnoaoa Toirniicii, D.D. F.R.S.' New Edition Fcp. svo. 5s. 6d. cloth. ' _————.:—-.—_ — _ . ..___j:?_..—— .. -1-. ___j - I