Page:A Practical Treatise on Brewing (4th ed.).djvu/303

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WORKS IN GENERAL LITERATURE. late Mr. SOUTIU*‘,Y’x‘COMHONPLACE-BOOK. Edi!-A :2, am am. J. w. WAur5n‘ Square crown am. 15.. u. s The DOCTOR, &c. Compleu-, in One Vol. Edited by the Rev. .7. W. Wurrnn. Sq. er. Bvn. Pom-nit, Inc. 214. m. s POETICAL WORKS. Complete in One Vnhuna; with Portrnlnnd vig-um. am. 21:‘; mnroocn, 42-. xv. MO0RE’s POETICAL WORKS. Campxcm in One Vnhunn; with rennin and Vigneile. am. 213.: momcw, 42.. v. J. STEI’IIEN's ESSAYS in ECCLESIASTICAL IHOGRAPHY. ac. concrihutcd «a th: Edinburgh 11¢-vhur. 2 wk. fin. w. MACK!NTOSI!'sMlSCEI.LANEOUS WORKS: including an Contributions tn um Edinburgh Rm”. 3 voh. BN2. 4:». vu. LORD JEFFREY’: CONTIl!BU‘l‘IO..'.<i thn EDINBURGH xuavmw. New Eslitlnn. £‘IvoII.flva.4ZI. vm. Rev. SYDNEY SMIT!l‘s WORKS: indnding Contribution: In mp Easuumn Imam New Edition. a mu. Pm-(air. am. xx. IIISTORY of ENGLAND, from the Accession Jmu II. By Tnaum B4n|Nu'rox MA:.un.Av. My van. 1. and 11, am. 32-. 2. MR. MACAULAY"s C RITICAL and ESSAYS, zanzrihnted to the Edinburgh Rzview. Nzw Edition. :3 8m. 36!. xi. MR. 1IACAULAY's LAYS of ANCIENT nlunmad. chiefly (mm lhn Antique, by G. Schxrf, Jun. Pup. Woodcnu, 21... mmm, 42.. xn. MIL IIACAULAY's LAYS of ANCIENT ROME: “lvry“ Ind. “Tho Armada." Nina. Vigrlmte. 4:. Ed.: IOI. Gd. Loxvnoxc: Lommum. Bxomv. Guns, Imp Lom;.u,«.~s.