Page:A Prospect of Manchester and Its Neighbourhood.djvu/34

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Dear girl, when around me the dark clouds are low'ring,
When loud o'er my head the deep thunder shall roll;
When fast o'er the wild heath the rain it falls pouring,
And the quick lightning's blaze shall illumine the whole,
Oh! thy name still responsive from my lips issued forth,
Shall ride on the blast, which blows rude from the north.

When lost and bewilder'd, no house or friend nigh,
And the torrent shall fearfully sweep o'er my way;
When the lightning shall shew me the precipice high,
Which I cautiously pass'd at the closure of day,
Oh! thy name still responsive shall answer the roar
Of the big waves that dash o'er the rude pebbl'd shore.

And, oh! if by fate, or by darkness decreed,
One false step shall encircle me deep in its bed,
And struck 'gainst a rock, as exhausted I bleed,
And feel I must quickly extended be laid,