Page:A Reconstruction Letter, Stedman, 1866.djvu/14

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A Reconstruction Letter.
"Now, Adm-r-l! Now, Gr-nt! Now, G-de-n and A-dy!
On! R-ss-u, On! St-dm-n, On! C-st-r, my dandy!
We're off to Chicago: keep pace, large and small;
Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!"
As for A-dy, nigh-leader, I wouldn't, for double
His worth, to train him again take the trouble.
Betwixt you and me, he's of rather low breed
(A cross of Poor White with a Tennessee steed);
And so stubborn and tricky, so dogged and willful,
The groom who would guide him indeed must be skillful:
He's proud to the servant, but stoops to the master—
Just bid him go slower, he's sure to go faster;
He'll kick his own feeders, bolt shy of the course—
A regular chuck-headed, plebeian horse!
But I've broke him to saddle, and ride him each day,
And teach him his steps when the rest are away;