Publications of the National Civil-Service Reform League
Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the National Civil-Service Reform League, 1882, with address of the President, George William Curtis. Per copy, 8 cts.
The same, with address of the President, for '84, '85, '86, '87, '89, '90, '91 , '92, '93, '94 '95, '96 , '97 and '98. Per copy, 8 cts.
Civil-Service Reform under the present National Administration. By George William Curtis. (Address of 1885. )
The Situation. By George William Curtis. (Address of 1886.)
Party and Patronage. By George William Curtis. (Address of 1892.)
Civil-Service Reform and Democracy. By Carl Schurz. (Address of 1893.)
The Necessity and Progress of Civil-Service Reform. By Carl Schurz. (Address of 1894.)
Congress and the Spoils System. By Carl Schurz. (Address of 1895.)
Encouragements and Warnings. By Carl Schurz. (Address of 1896.)
The Democracy of the Merit System. By Carl Schurz. (Address of 1897. )
A Review of the Year. By Carl Schurz. (Address of 1898.)
Civil Service Reform as a Moral Question. By Charles J. Bonaparte. (1890.)
The Influence of the Spoils Idea upon the Government of American Cities. By Herbert Welsh. (1894.)
The Reform of the Consular Service. By Oscar S. Straus. (1894.)
The Interest of the Workingman in Civil-Service Reform. By Herbert Welsh. (1895.)
The Appointment and Tenure of Postmasters. By R. H. Dana. (1895.)
The Republican Party and Civil-Service Reform. By Henry Hitchcock. (1897.)
The Democratic Party and Civil-Service Reform. By Moorfield Storey. (1897.)
An open Letter to Hon. C. H. Grosvenor, in reply to recent attacks on the Civil Service Law and Rules. George McAneny. (1897.)
The Need and Best Means for Providing a Competent and Stable Civil Service for Our New Dependencies. By Dorman B. Eaton. (1898.)
Constitution of the National Civil-Service Reform League.
Good Government: Official Journal of the National Civil-Service Reform League. Published monthly at 54 William St., New York. One dollar per year. Ten cents per single copy.
For other publications, see third page