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Page:A Satyr Against Hypocrites - Philips (1655).pdf/22

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But in th' original it ends in Ock,The Doctrine
of Generation.

For that dear Sisters calls him Have-a-Cock.
And truly I suppose I need not fear
But that there are many Have-a-Cocks here:
The Laud increase the number of Have-a-Cocks,
Truly false Prophets will arise in flocks;
But as a Farding-candle shut up quite
In a dark Lanthorn never giveth light;For Ministers
may be Cuckolds.

Even such are they. Ay but my breathren dear,
I'm no such Lanthorn, for my horns are clear.
But I shall now conclude this glorious truth
With an Exhortation to old men and youth:Use of

Be sure to feed young Daniel, that's to say,
Feed all your Ministers that preach and pray.
First of all, 'cause 'tis good, I speak that know so,Motives
And by experience find 'tis good to do so:1.
Fourthly, 'cause 'tis not evil; Nextly and Thirdly,4.
For that 'tis very good, unless the Word lye.3.
Sixthly, for that y'are mov'd thereto; and Twelfthly,6.
'Cause there's nought better, unless I my self lye.12.
But now he smells the Pyes begin to reak,Hunger a
great enemy to

His teeth water, and he can no longer speak:
Only it will not be amiss to tell ye
How he was troubled with a womans belly;A Cropsick

For she was full of caudle and devotion,
Which in her stomach raised a commotion,
For the hot vapours much did damnifie
Her that was wont to walk in Finsbury.
So though a while she was sustain'd with ginger,
Yet at the length a cruel pain did twinge her;
And like as marble sweats before a shower,
So did she sweat, and sweating forth did pour
Her mornings draught of Sugar-sops and Saffron,
Into her sighing neighbours Cambrick apron.
At which a Lard she cry'd, full sad to see
The foul mishap, yet suffer'd patiently:
How do you, then she cry'd? I'me glad 'tis up:
Ah sick, sick, sick; cryes one, Oh for a cup
