Page:A Series of Plays on the Passions Volume 1.pdf/268

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very well hitherto; keep it up but for this last time, and let Eston and I go into the closet and enjoy it.

Mar. Well then, do so: I shall please you for this once.

Enter Betty, in haste.

Bet. to Mar. Sir Loftus is just coming up the side path, madam, and he'll be at the door immediately.

Ag. I'll run and bring Eston directly.[Exit.

Mar. (Looking at the door of the closet.) Yes, it is very thin: they will hear well, and see through the key hole.

Re-enter Agnes with Miss Eston, in a great hurry.

Est. La! I have torn my gown in my haste.

Ag. Come along, come along.

Est. It it is not so bad a tear though as Mrs. Thomson got the—

Ag. Come, come, we must not stay here. (Pushes Eston into the closet, and follows. Mariane and Betty place a table with books, and a chair, near the front of the stage.)

Est. (Looking from the closet.) La! Mariane, how I long to hear you and him begin. I shall be so delighted!

Mar. For heaven sake shut the door! he will be here immediately. (Shuts the door upon her, and continues to set the room in order.)

Est. (Looking out again) La! Mariane, do you know how many yards of print Lady Squat has