Page:A Series of Plays on the Passions Volume 1.pdf/321

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But if his presence is not welcome here,
He shall not join our company to-day.

De Mon. What dost thou mean to say? What is't to me
Whether I meet with such a thing as Rezenvelt
To-day, to-morrow, every day, or never.

Freb. In truth, I thought you had been well with him.
He prais'd you much.

De Mon. I thank him for his praise—Come, let us move:
This chamber is confin'd and airless grown.
I hear a stranger's voice!

Freb.'Tis Rezenvelt.
Let him be told that we are gone abroad.

De Mon. (Proudly.) No; let him enter.
Who waits there? Ho! Manuel!

Enter Manuel.

What stranger speaks below?

Man.The Marquis Rezenvelt.
I have not told him that you are within.

De Mon. (Angrily.) And wherefore dids't thou not? Let him ascend.
(A long pause. De Monfort walking up and down with a quick pace.)

Enter Rezenvelt, and runs freely up to De Monfort.

Rez. to De Mon. My noble Marquis, welcome.