Price 2d., by Post 3d., or 2s. 6d. a-year, paid in advance.
Adapted to the wants of the Promoter, Manager, and Teacher of Day as well as Sunday Schools.
New Vice-President.
Choral Festival.—Westminster Abbey.
Annual Meeting.
Annual Meeting of Secretaries.
Building Grants.
New Subscriptions.
Whitelands Training Institution.
Chester Diocesan Board.
Ripon Diocesan Board.
Committee of Council:
Minute modifying System of Pupil-teachers and Queen's Scholarships.
The Aim of the Teacher's Studies.
An Attendance-Card.
Sketches of School-Work.
Qualification for Queen's Scholarships.
Correspondents' Answers to Inquiries.
Inquiries by Correspondents.
Notices of Books.
The Schoolmasters' and General Mutual Assurance Society.
Schoolmasters' and Schoolmistresses' Associations.
Notices to Correspondents.
[1]Sunday Schools—
Management of Sunday-Schools.
All Communications, Subscriptions, Advertisements, Remittances, &c. for this Paper, should be addressed, "The Editor, National Society's Monthly Paper, Sanctuary, Westminster."
Orders should be made payable to "Frederick Stretton," at the Post-Ofifce, Westminster.
Information for the Paper should be sent to the Editor not later than the 20th of the month. The name and Address of the person sending it should be given, though not necessarily for publication.
The Paper is published (for the 1st of each Month) on the last day but one of the preceding Month, in time for circulation with the Magazines; is sold at the National Society's Depository, Sanctuary, Westminster, and maybe ordered through any Bookseller; or it may be obtained through the Post, by remitting 2s. 6d., the Subscription (payable in advance for one year, commencing with the January Number), in Postage-Stamps or otherwise, to the Editor. If the back Numbers for the year be not required, the Subscription to be remitted should be at the rate of 3d. a Number to the end of the year.
- ↑ The July Number commences a separate division of the Paper, to be appropriated specially for the use of Sunday-School Teachers.