voice, because gathering me in, as it were, by a friendly glance, he kept it going without a check.
"I was glad of it," he repeated, emphatically. "You may be surprised at it, but then you haven't gone through the experience I've had of her. I can tell you, it was something to remember. Of course, I got off scot free myself—as you can see. She did her best to break up my pluck for me tho'. She jolly near drove as fine a fellow as ever lived into a madhouse. What do you say to that—eh?"
Not an eyelid twitched in Mr. Stonor's enormous face. Monumental! The speaker looked straight into my eyes.
"It used to make me sick to think of her going about the world murdering people."
Jermyn approached the handkerchief a little nearer to the grate and groaned. It was simply a habit he had.
"I've seen her once," he declared, with mournful indifference. "She had a house
"The stranger in tweeds turned to stare down at him, surprised.
"She had three houses," he corrected, authoritatively. But Jermyn was not to be contradicted.
"She had a house, I say," he repeated, with dismal obstinacy. "A great, big, ugly, white thing. You could see it from miles away—sticking up."
"So you could," assented the other readily. "It was old Colchester's notion, though he was always threatening to give her up. He couldn't stand her racket any more, he declared; it was too much of a good thing for him; he would wash his hands of her, if he never got hold of another—and so on. I daresay he would have chucked her, only—it may surprise you—his missus wouldn't hear of it. Funny, eh? But with women, you never know how they will take a thing, and Mrs.