treated and prescribed remedies for different diseases, such as : — Diseases of the abdominal glands ; abdominal tumours (of eight varieties) ; abortions (of six kinds) ; abscesses (of six kinds) ; anaemia ; anorexia ; apoplectic diseases ; asthma ; blood and bile affections ; carbuncles (of nine varieties) ; cardiac diseases ; cholera ; colic (eight forms) ; convulsions ; cough ; cranial diseases ; cystic affections ; diabetes (eight types) ; diarrhoea (of seven varieties) ; dropsy ; dysentery (of five kinds) ; dyspepsia ; ear diseases ; ectropium ; enteric catarrh ; entozoa ; epilepsy (four varieties) ; erysipelas (of nine kinds) ; diseases of the eye, cornea, eye-balls, eye-lashes, eye-lids ; diseases from excessive drinking ; diseases caused by excessive thirst ; fevers (twenty-five types) ; fistulse (of eight sorts)rj'iractures (eight forms) ; general debility ; gonorrhoea (twenty varieties) ; hiccough ; insanity (of four kinds) ; insensibility (of four kinds) ; jaundice ; diseases of the lens ; diseases of the male organs of generation caused by Shuka or water-leeches (of twenty-four varieties) ; mental debility ; minor diseases (sixty sorts) ; diseases of the mouth (of seventy-four kinds) ; nose affections ; paralysis (various forms) ; phlegm affections ; piles (six forms) ; pustules and sores
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