Abhidhanaratnamala describes several rare vegetable and mineral preparations.
Abhrakakalpa, by Shiva, on the properties and medicinal uses of mica.
Agnipurana, a work compiled by Vyasa, a section of which enumerates various drugs applicable to man and beast.
Ajeernamritamanjari by Kashiraj, on indigestion.
Amritasagara, with commentary and glossary by Pratapsinha on diseases in general.
Anjananidana by Agnivesha, with a commentary of Dattarama, a treatise on ophthalmology.
Anupanatarangini by Pandit Raghunathprasada on dietetics and regimen.
Arogyachintamani by Pandit Damodara, on hygiene.
Ashtangahridaya, by Vagbhata, in 120 chapters treats of anatomy, practice of medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, obstetrics, and hygiene.
Ashtangasangraha, a work on medicine by the same author. There are several commentaries on this work.
Ashvavaidya, by Jatadatta Suri, on veterinary science.