Chakradatta by Chakrapani on drugs applicable to a number of diseases.
Chamatkaracbintamani, by Govindaraj, on marvellous remedies for various diseases.
Charakasamhita, by Charaka, a work of great antiquity on terms and definitions, the nature of diseases, remedies, on peculiar constitutions and temperaments, and diseases arising from them, materia medica, etc. The work is much sought after by the Hindoo practitioners, who refer to it as their best authority.
Charyachandrodaya, by Dattarama, on the laws of nature, their effects on human constitution, and on the means of preserving health.
Charyapadmakara, by Raghunathprasada, on the same subject.
Chikitsadhatusara, by Kashinath, on diseases in general, and also on minerals and metals.
Chikitsakramakalpavalli, by Gopaldas, on practice of medicine.
Chikitsasara, by Gopaldasa, a short treatise on medicine, containing some useful formulae.
Chikitsasarasangraha, by Vangasena, on practice of physic.
Dhatrimanjari, by an unknown author, treats of paediatrics.
Dhatukalpa forms a chapter of Rudrayamala, by Shiva, on the therapeutic uses of metallic substances.
Dhaturatnamala, compiled from Ashvinikumarasamhita, on the preparations of metallic and mineral powders.
Gandhakarasayana, a useful treatise, devoted exclusively to the pharmaceutical preparations of sulphur.