Nadidnyanatarangini, a modern work on pulse by Kaghunathprasad Pandit.
Nadividnyana, by Dvarkanatha Bhattacharya, an old treatise on pulse.
Narayanavalokana, by Narayan, on diseases caused by folly and vice, and treats of cures by means of charms, prayers, and incantations.
Nayanasukha, by a Jain priest, on diseases in general.
Nidananjana, by Agnivesha, an old work on diagnosis.
Nighantaprakasha, by Joshi Vaidya Baptj Gangadhar, a useful dispensatory alphabetically arranged.
Nighantaratnakara, by Vishnu Vasudeva Godbole, in a.c. 1867, an esteemed treatise on medicine and pharmacology.
Pakavali, by Madhava, treats of the preparations of different kinds of confections and alimentary substances.
Paradakalpa forms a chapter of Rudrayamala, by Shiva, describing the preparations and medicinal uses of mercury.
Paribhashavrittipradipa, by Govindasen, on the science of medicine.
Pathyapathya, by Kavi Vishvanath, on dietetics and regimen.
Pathyapathyanighanta, by Kavi Srimulla, on dietetics.
Prayogachintamani, by Madhava, on pharmacy.
Prayogasara treats of diseases and their treatment.
Ramavinoda, by Padmaranga, treats of the virtues of metallic substances and contains many recipes.