Rasatarangamalika, by Janardanabhatta, on the treat-
ment of diseases by minerals.
Rasayanaprakarana, by Shri Medanunga Suree, a Jain priest. He composed his work in Shrinagar in a.c. 1387, as appears from the manuscript. The work treats of the pharmaceutical preparations and uses of mineral and metallic substances.
Rasendrachintamani, by Ramchandra bhatta, on treatment of diseases by mineral drugs.
Rasendramangala, by Nagarjuna, on the preparations and uses of mineral drugs.
Rasendrasarasangraha, with commentary of Hridayanath, by Gopala Bhatta, on metals, gems, and pharmacy.
Rasavatara, by Jainacharya Sidhadigambara Shri Manikyadeva, on the properties, purification, and oxidation of 'primary' and 'secondary' metals.
Roganidana, by Dhanvantari, treats of diagnosis and describes different constitutions and temperaments.
Sarvavijayeetantra, by Shiva, a work of great antiquity on the prolongation of life.
Shalihotra, by Nakula, one of the five Pandavas, on the treatment of horses.
Shandhachikitsa, a treatise on the treatment of impotence.
Sharngdharasamhita, by Sharngdhara, on nosology and the practice of medicine.
Sharngdharatika, a commentary on Sharngdharasamhita by Adhamulla. Shatayoga describes the preparations of various kinds of electuaries and decoctions, and enumerates one hundred modes of administering them.