Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/330

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310 A Short History of The World one more to the list of monarchies half in and half out of the empire. The Austrian branch of the descendants of Charles V retained the title of Emperor ; the Spanish branch retained Spain. But now there was also an emperor of the East again. After the fall of Con- stantinople (1453), the grand duke of Moscow, Ivan the Great (1462-1505) claimed to be heir to the Byzantine throne and adopted the Byzantine double-headed eagle upon his arms. His grandson, Ivan IV, Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584) assumed the imperial title of Csesar (Tzar). But only in the latter half of the seventeenth century did Russia cease to seem remote and Asiatic to the European Cetitral EUROPE eJier £tic Pcac^ of W^tphalU,164re. TSt O R T H Boundajy of tJyz Fran Towns, thuj;: Swedish. ta'riimy....WgM SpsjiskKabdburas ^^^ I^mpire • Colog ne French iliLS trjan HsLbsburqs - - tSAvSl (Pmssia,)