Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/431

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Chronological Table 411 A.D. A.D. the Pope (Alexander III) at Venice. 1187. Saladin captured Jerusalem. 1377. 1189. The Third Crusade. 1198. Innocent III Pope (to 1216). 1378. Frederick II (aged four), King of Sicily, became his ward. 1398. 1202. The Fourth Crusade at- tacked the Eastern Empire. 1414- 1204. Capture of Constantinople by the Latins. 1417. 1214. Jengis Khan took Pekin. 1453. 1226. St. Francis of Assisi died. (The Franciscans.) 1227. Jengis Khan died, Khan from 1480. the Caspian to the Pacific, and was succeeded by Ogdai Khan. 1481. 1228. Frederick II embarked upon the Sixth Crusade, and ac- quired Jerusalem. 1486. 1240. Mongols destroyed Kiefl. Russia tributary to the 1492. Mongols. 1241. Mongol victory at Liegnitz 1493. in Silesia. 1250. Frederick II, the last 1498. Hohenstaufen Emperor, died. German interreg- 1499. num until 1273. 1251. Mangu Khan became Great 1500. Khan. Kublai Khan gov- 1509. ernor of China. 1513. 1258. Hulagu Khan took and de- 1515. stroyed Bagdad. 1520. 1260. Kublai Khan became Great Khan. 1261. The Greeks recaptured Con- stantinople from the Latins. 1525. 1273. Rudolf of Habsburg elected Emperor. The Swiss formed their Everlasting League. 1527. 1280. Kublai Khan founded the Yuan Dynasty in China. 1292. Death of Kublai Khan. 1293. Roger Bacon, the prophet of 1529. experimental science, died. 1530. 1348. The Great Plague, the Black Death. 1360. In China the Mongol (Yuan) 1539. Dynasty fell, and was sue- 1546. ceeded by the Ming Dy- nasty (to 1644). Pope Gregory XI returned to Rome. The Great Schism. Urban VI in Rome, Clement VII at Avignon. Huss preached Wyclifflsm at Prague. 18. The Council of Con- stance. Huss burnt (1415). The Great Schism ended. Ottoman Turks under Mu- hammad II took Constan- tinople. Ivan III, Grand-duke of Moscow, threw off the Mon- gol allegiance. Death of the Sultan Muham- mad II while preparing for the conquest of Italy. Diaz rounded the Cape of Good Hope. Columbus crossed the Atlan- tic to America. Maximilian I became Em- peror. Vasco da Gama sailed round the Cape to India. Switzerland became an inde- pendent republic. Charles V born. Henry VIII King of England. Leo X Pope. Francis I King of France. Suleiman the Magnificent, Sultan (to 1566), who ruled from Bagdad to Hungary. Charles V Emperor. Baber won the battle of Panipat, captured Delhi, and founded the Mogul Empire. The German troops in Italy, under the Constable of Bourbon, took and pillaged Rome. Suleiman besieged Vienna. Charles V crowned by the Pope. Henry VIII began his quarrel with the Papacy. The Society of Jesus founded. Martin Luther died.