Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/445

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Index 425 Marchand, Colonel, 377 Marcus Aurelius, 166, 408 Marie Antoinette, 326, 328 Mariner's compass, 285, 304 Marius, 183, 184, 226, 408 " Marriage of East and West," 143 Mars (planet), 2, 3 Marseillaise, the, 326, 328 Marseilles. 124, 174, 294, 328 Martel, Charles, 248, 410 Martin V, Pope, 272, 288 Marx, 856 Maryland, 319 Mas d'Azil cave, 55 Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 370-371 Maximihan I, Emperor, 293, 411 Maya writing, 72, 73 Mayence, 253, 326 Mayflower expedition, 412 Mazarin, Cardinal, 308 Mecca, 237, 238, 409 Mechanical revolution, 338 et seq., 347, 350 Medes, 98, 106, 107, 112, 118, 128, 148, 166, 407 Media, rebellion in, 130 Median Empire, 107, 108, 110 Medicine man, the, 62 Medina, 238 Mediterranean, 69, 89, 168, 278 ; valley, 69 " Mediterranean ' people, pre-Greek, 124 Megatherium, 71 Megiddo, battle of, 108, 112, 407 Melasgird, battle of, 255, 410 Mentality, primitive, 58 et seq. Mercury (planet), 2, 3 Mesopotamia, 75, 78, 94, 98, 107, 122, 166, 255, 276, 284 Mesozoic period, 26 ; land life of, 27 ; sea life of, 29 ; scarcity of bird and mammal life in, 31, 33 ; its difference from Cainozoic period, 37 Messina, 171, 172 Messina, Straits of, 171 Metallurgy, 338, 341-2 Metals, transmutation of, 246 Meteoric iron, 78, 92 Metz, 371 Mexico, 72, 74, 297, 305, 364, 365, 368, 370 Michael VII, Emperor, 256 Michael VIII. {See Palseologus) Microscope, 337 Midianites, 114 Milan, 217, 225, 293, 296, 333 Miletus, 124 MilUpedes, 22 Milton, 124 Ming dynasty, 276, 316, 411, 412 Mining, 318 Minnesota, 364 Minos, 90, 93, 122, 126 Missionaries, 226, 236, 360, 380, 410 Mississippi (state), 365 Mississippi River, 366 Missouri, 362 Mithraism, 202, 204, 212, 409 Mithras, 202, 203 Mnemonics, Chinese and Peruvian method of, 73 Moabites, 114 Moaw'ja, Cahph, 410 Mogul dynasty, 276, 411 Moluccas, 312 Monarchy, 306, 324, 330 Monastic'ism, 204, 226 Money, 110, 168, 192, 303 Mongol conquests, influence of, 283 Mongol Court, the, 283 Mongol Empire, 315 Mongolia, 188 Mongolian language, 106 Mongohan peoples, 70, 71, 86, 159, 188, 217, 222, 223 et seq., 234, 247, 273 et seq., 283, 304, 316, 317, 380, 411 Mongoloid tribes, 67 Monkeys, 41, 43 Monotheism, 240. (See also Muhammadi Monroe doctrine, 332, 368, 376, 400 Monroe, President, 332 Montesquieu, 352 Montgomery, 365 Month, the lunar, 64 Moon, the, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 64 Moorish paper-mills. 282 More, Sir Thomas, 346, 351 Morelly, 352 Morocco, 177, 378 Mortillet, 54 Moscow, 278, 413 Moscow, Grand Duke of, 276 Moses, 113 Moslem Empire, 242 Moslems, 282, 409, 410 Moslim, the, 242, 248, 259, 276 Mososaurs, 28 Mosses, 22 Mounds, Neolithic, 67 Mountains, 188 Mozambique, 312 Muehlon, Herr, 402 Muhammad, prophet (and Muhamraadan- ism), 233, 236, 237 et seq., 258, 409 Muhammad II, Sultan, 278, 411 Mules, 99 Mummies, 67 Munitions, 391 Musk ox. 41 Mycale, battle of, 130, 408