Page:A Short History of the World.djvu/452

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432 Index Verona, 328 Versailles, 308, 311, 324, 325 Versailles, Peace Conference of, 399 Versailles, Treaty of, 399, 400 Vertebrata, 17 ; ancestors of, 19 Verulam, Lord. (See Bacon, Sir Francis) Vespasian, 408 Vesuvius, 183 Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, 413 Victoria, Queen, 374, 413 Vienna, 278, 296, 411, 412 Vienna, Congress of, 331, 332, 333 Vienna, Treaty of, 337 Vilna, 338 Vindhya Mountains, 15 Virginia, 320, 363, 36 Visigoths, 217, 219, ^^20, 224, 248, 409. (Cf. Goths) Vitellus, 408 Vittoria, ship, 287 Viviparous mammals, 32 Vivisection, Herophilus and, 145 Volcanoes, 36 Volga, 191, 217 Volta, 340 Voltaire, 311 Votes, 362 W Waldenses, 263, 267, 288 Waldo, 263 Walid I, 410 War and Warfare, 94, 327, 370, 400 War of American Independence, 320 et seq. Warsaw. 334 Washington, 323, 339, 363, 366, 368 Washington, Conference of, 403 Washington, George, 321 Waterloo, battle of, 331 Watt engine, 338 Weapons, 96, 104 Weaving, 63, 73 Wei-hai-wei, 379 Wellington, Duke of, 330 West Indies, 313, 365, 373, 374 Western Empire, 409 Westminster, 289 Westphalia, Peace of, 309, 337, 412 Wheat, 64, 102 White Huns. (See Ephthalites) William Duke of Normandy (William I), 410 William II, German Emperor, 389, 413 Wilson, President, 400, 401, 402 Wings, birds', 31 Wisby, 279 Wisconsin, 364 " Wisdom lovers," the first, 127 Witchcraft, 66 Wittenberg, 290 Wolfe, General, 412 Wolsey, Cardinal, 308 Wood blocks for printing, 236 Wool, 99, 375 Workers' Internationals, 357 World, the, creation of, 1; in time, 5 et seq. Wrangel, General, 398 Writing, 72, 75, 76, 77, 92, 119, 168 ; dawn of, 55 Wycliffe, John, and his followers, 272, 288, 411 Xavier, Francis, 380 Xenophon, 144 XerxeSj 130, 141, 144 Yang-chow, 285 Yang-tse Kiang, 164 Yang-tse valley, 165 Yarmuk, battle of the, 242, 409 Yedo Bay, 381 Yorktown, 321 Yuan dynasty, 276, 411 Yucatan, 72 Yudenitch, General, 398 Yuste, 298, 300 Zama, battle of, 174, 408 Zanzibar, 312 Zarathushtra, 231 Zeppelins, 392 Zero sign, 245 Zeus, 202 Zimbabwe, 377 Zoophytes, fossilized, 12 Zoroaster (and Zoroastrianism) 231, 243 Printed in England by Cassell & Company, Limited, London, E.C.4. F. 150. IOZ2