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Page:A Specimen of the Botany of New Holland.djvu/11

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Rushy Tetratheca.


OCTANDRIA Monogynia. Fl. complete.

Gen. Char. Cal. quadrifidus, inferus. Cor. tetrapetala. Capsula bilocularis, bivalvis; valvulis medio septiferis. Semina subbina.

Cal. four-cleft, inferior. Cor. of 4 petals. Caps. of two cells and two valves, with the partition from their middle. Seeds about two in each cell.

Spec. Char. T. glabra, foliis alternis lanceolatis, caule acutangulo, ramis elongatis nudiusculis.

Smooth. Leaves alternate, lanceolate. Stem with sharp angles. Branches elongated, and almost naked.

TO this pretty genus, three species of which have been sent from New South Wales, we have given the name Tetratheca, on account of the curious structure of
