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males to total population, 54•8 per cent. The Census Report classifies the population according to age as follows:—Hindus— under twelve years of age, males 238,865, females 193,561; above twelve years of age, males 630,565, females 535,290. Muhammadans—under twelve years, males 171,332, females 136,209; above twelve years, males 392,045, females 321,398. Buddhists—under twelve years, males 68, females 36; above twelve years, males 643, females 265. Christians—under twelve years, males 5317, females 4429; above twelve years, males 15,446, females 9931. Other sects not separately classified—under twelve years, males 278, females 244; above twelve years, males 1057, females 669. Total of all denominations—under twelve years of age, males 415,860, females 334,476; above twelve years, males 1,039,756, females 867,556. Grand total of both sexes of all ages, 2,657,648.

Population according to Occupation.—The following paragraphs, showing the occupations of the people, are condensed from the tabular statements appended to the Census Report. They refer to the town of Calcutta as well as to the District in general. The figures, however, must be taken as a rough approximation only, and as, perhaps unavoidably, imperfect. Thus in Class VI. glass-makers are given twice, etc. I reproduce them, however, as the first organized effort of the kind; and a discriminating eye, while rejecting some of them, will find curious hints as to the occupations of the people.

Occupations of Males—Class I.—Persons employed under Government, Municipal or other local authorities, including Calcutta:—Military officers, 4404; marine officers, 186; Government police, 3214; municipal police, 963; rural police, 3583; covenanted English officers, 37; subordinate judicial officers, 12; subordinate executive officers, 15; educational officers, 43; Public Works officials, 235; Survey officers, 84; Post-Office officials, 252; telegraph officers, 54; medical, 253; ecclesiastical, 58; excise, 56; clerks, 1225; municipal officers, 453; piyádás (messengers), 1144; others, 1802. Total of Class I., 18,073.

Class II.—Professional persons, including professors of religion, education, literature, law, medicine, fine arts, surveying and engineering:—Ministers and missionaries, 37; Hindu priests (purohits), 8236; spiritual instructors (gurus), 457; astrologers (achárjyas), 256; Muhammadan priests (mullás), 762; Musalmán priests in charge of mosques (mutáwallís), 13; Hindu priests in charge of temples (mahants), 201; pilgrim guides (pandás), 155; priests of family