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broom sellers, 16; toy makers, 44; silk spinners, 6; cotton spinners, 1186; weavers, 1184; female tailors, 90; milliners, 50; ornament sellers, 74; shoemakers, 471; thread sellers, 92; cloth vendors, 34; grain dealers, 251; rice dealers, 2246; potato dealers, 75; costermongers, 1579; spice dealers, 151; dealers in oil, 213 ; grocers, 33; confectioners, 410; flour sellers, 83; grain parchers, 645; grain huskers, 14,294; vegetable sellers (pheriyas), 19; female butchers, 38; fishwomen, 4621; milk sellers, 2407; butter sellers, 24; egg sellers, 105; toddy sellers, 61; spirit seller, 1; tobacconists, 201; pán sellers, 601; opium seller, 1; betel sellers, 21; ganjá sellers, 6; tooth powder sellers, 52; salt sellers, 5; sellers of charcoal, 39; sellers of cow dung, 19; sellers of firewood, 222; female dealers in hides, 42; dealers in rope, 145; dealers in bamboos, 8. Total, 33,139. Class VII., miscellaneous females, not otherwise classed: — House owners, 295; female pensioners, 125; female beggars and paupers, 8931; female labourers, 15,191; unemployed, 781,556; female children, 306,482. Total, 1,112,580. Grand total of females, 1,202,032.

Ethnical Division of the People.—The Hindus and Muhammadans form the great mass of the population. The Census Return classifies the people under eight principal heads, and gives their respective numbers, as follow—the figures refer to the town of Calcutta as well as to the District in general:—(1) Non-Asiatics—(a) European: English, 6269; Irish, 1849; Scotch, 1405; Welsh, 80; Austrian, 36; Belgian, 8; Danes, 20; Dutch, 41; Finlanders, 4; French, 206; Germans, 171; Greeks, 77; Italians, 130; Norwegians, 35; Poles, 18; Portuguese, 296; Prussians, 43; Russians, 37; Spaniards, 17; Swedes, 60; Swiss, 11; Turks, 18; others, 276 — total, 11,107. (b) Americans: Canadians, 30; Nova Scotian, 1; West Indians, 2251; others, 273—total, 2555. (c) Africans, 81. (d) Australians, 14. Total of Non-Asiatics, 13,757.—(2) Mixed Races: Eurasians, 10,362.—(3) Asiatics, other than natives of India and British Burmah: Afgháns, 5; Armenians, 710; Chinese, 562; Jews, 506; Malays, 19; Nepalese, 37; Pársís, 1219; Persians, 277 — total, 3335.—(4) Aboriginal tribes, 5302.—(5) Semi-Hinduised aborigines, 310,880.—(6) Hindus, including native Christians, Vaishnavs, and other people of Hindu origin but who do not recognise caste, 1,293,078.—(7) Muhammadans, 1,020,702.—(8) Maghs, 232. Grand total, 2,657,648.

Hill Tribes and Aboriginal People.—In the interior of the