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two thousand; 12 towns with from two to three thousand; 7 from three to five thousand; 9 from five to ten thousand; 2 from ten to fifteen thousand; 2 from fifteen to twenty thousand; 3 from twenty to fifty thousand; and three containing upwards of fifty thousand inhabitants. The nineteen towns containing a population of upwards of five thousand souls are—(1) Calcutta, (2) Suburbs of Calcutta, (3) South Suburban Town, (4) North Suburban Town, (5) Agarpárá, (6) Naihátí, (7) Nawábganj, (8) Kalingá, (9) Basurhát, (10) Bárásat, (11) Bághjálá, (12) Barrackpur Cantonment, (13) Sátkhirá, (14) Jainagar, (15) Gobardángá, (16) Kalároá (17) Kádihátí, (18) Táki, (19) Dum Dum Cantonment. I arrange them in the succeeding list according to their population as returned in the Census Report of 1872. I shall then show the smaller municipalities, as furnished to me by the Collector’s returns; and finally, some details regarding the non-municipal villages and places of interest, from various sources. I give the following particulars regarding each of the nineteen municipalities with a population exceeding 5000, viz. the population and municipal revenue and expenditure for 1871, as shown in the Census Report. The other figures, such as the population in 1869, and the municipal revenue and expenditure for that year, have been taken from the Collector’s report to me. The number of houses given also refers to 1869.

(1) Calcutta (Lat. 22° 33' 47"; long. 88° 23' 34").—Repeated account will be found in vol. 1. of my Account of Bengal. The capital of British India. In 1752, Mr. Holwell estimated the number of houses within its bounds to be 51,132, and the inhabitants 409,056 souls; but this was probably much too high. In 1822, the number of inhabitants of the town was returned at 179,917; in 1831, 187,081; in 1837, 229,714; in 1850, 361,369; in 1866, 377,924. In 1872 a regular Census was taken, with the following results:— Area, 8 square miles; number of houses, 38,864. Population: Hindus, males, 189,422; females, 101,772 — total, 291,194. Muhammadans, males, 95,260; females, 36,871—total, 133,131. Buddhists, males, 622; females, 247—total, 869. Christians, males, 12,917; females, 8439—total, 21,356. Other denominations not separately classified, males, 636; females, 415—total, 1051. Total of males of all denominations, 299,857; females, 147,744—grand total, 447,601. Average number of persons per house, 11.0; number of persons per square mile, 55,950. Including