Page:A Tale of the Secret Tribunal.pdf/10

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    "Accuser! how to thee alone
Became the fearful secret known?"

    "There is an hour when vain Remorse
First wakes in her eternal force;
When pardon may not be retriev'd,
When conscience will not be deceiv'd.
He that beheld the victim bleed,
Beheld, and aided in the deed—
When earthly fears had lost their power,
Reveal'd the tale in such an hour,
Unfolding, with his latest breath,
All that gave keener pangs to death."

    "By Him, th' All-seeing and Unseen,
Who is for ever, and hath been,
And by th' Atoner's cross ador'd,
And by th' Avenger’s holy sword,
By truth eternal and divine,
Amuser! wilt thou swear to thine?"
"The cross upon my heart is prest,
I hold the dagger to my breast;