Page:A Tale of the Secret Tribunal.pdf/56

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A fever'd blush, a sudden start,
Spoke the last weakness of her heart,
'Twas vanquish'd soon—the hectic red
A moment flush'd her cheek, and fled.
Once more serene—her stedfast eye
Look'd up as to Eternity;
Then gaz'd on Ulric with an air,
That said—the home of Love is there!

Yes! there alone it smil'd for him,
Whose eye before that look grew dim;
Not long 'twas his e'en thus to view
The beauty of its calm adieu:
Soon o'er those features, brightly pale,
Was cast th' impenetrable veil;
And, if one human sigh were given,
By the pure bosom, vow'd to Heaven,
'Twas lost, as many a murmur'd sound
Of grief, "not loud, but deep," is drown'd,
In hymns of joy, which proudly rise,
To tell the calm, untroubled skies,
That earth hath banish'd care and woe,
And man holds festivals below!