Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/264

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Places of religious worship in Amsterdam. — The new and old churches. — The Portuguese synagogue. — Number of Jews in Amsterdam. — State of religion. — Toleration. — Quakers. — Charitable institutions in Amsterdam. — Vaccine inoculation. — Dutch theatre. — Account of the principal female performer. — State of the Dutch stage. — Old-fashioned female dress. — Women of Holland. — Inebriety imputed to the stadtholder - To his majesty. — A caricature print. — Ideas entertained in Holland respecting the person who attempted to assassinate the king. — Dress of children. — Customs observed with regard to lying-in women.

Amsterdam, November, 1800.

THE temples of religious worship in Amsterdam are numerous, and belong to all sects and persuasions. The new church of the reformed religion, near the stadthouse, is