Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/354

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Commerce of Amsterdam. — Number of ships dismantled. — The Dutch East-India Company. — Account of Colonel Gordon, governor of the Cape of Good Hope. — Intercourse with Batavia by means of American vessels. — The sentiments entertained in Holland respecting Bonaparte. — Some account of that great man. — Madame Bonaparte. — Assurances of the first consul of the French republic to the Batavian government. — Last requisition made by the French to the Dutch. — Estimate of the contributions levied in Holland by the French. — Measures to be pursued by the Dutch at the conclusion of the war.

Amsterdam, 1800.

THE mighty commerce which Amsterdam, in former periods, carried on with all the quarters of the globe, is now, by the inauspicious circumstances of the times, reduced to a petty inland traffic, and an inconsiderable