Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/367

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Were peace to be restored, this evil, unless speedily remedied, would produce the most mischievous consequences.

To restore the commerce of Holland, encouragement must be given to the old mercantile system and interest: the rich capitalists of the country, who have emigrated in consequence of the revolution, must be invited and allured to return; and the great trading companies of Amsterdam, and the other cities of the republic, must be re-established with all their former immunities and privileges. This is contrary to the system recommended by eminent writers in France and England, who contend for free trade, and disclaim against exclusive privileges, but by such a system alone can the commerce of Holland be revived.

Should the wise policy be pursued, of placing the commerce of the republic, as far as possible, on its former footing, the industry, frugality, and unwearied perseverance, of the Dutch nation, will, in a few years of tranquillity, with such encouragement as a legislature well versed in mercantile