Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/418

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[ 404 ]

way of Challenge to that Part of Mankind, who I may have touch'd in this Satyr, and who, for ought I know, may be angry; for, indeed, they have nothing else left for it, but to be angry, and rail at the Reproof; according to a known Distich used upon a like Occasion:

That Disputants, when Reasons fail,
Have one sure Refuge left, and that's to Rail.

Now in this Case, I say, I have a fair Offer to make to those Gentlemen in a few Words, viz.

1. Let them prove that the Fact here reprehended is not in being; that 'tis all a Fiction or Shadow, a Man of Straw; that there's nothing in it, and that I am in the wrong. Or,

2. That if it is in being, that tho' the Fact is true, and tho' such Things are done, they merit no Satyr, that they ought not to be reproved or exposed; I say, let them do this, and then they shall Rail their hill, and treat Me, and the Work which I have just now finished, in as scandalous a manner as they please. Or,

3. Which I had much rather they should do, let them Reform; take the hint, fall under the Reproof, and at once sink the Crime.

I confess, it seems rational that one or other of these should be done: The two first, which are in some respect the same, I am out of fear of; the last seems a Debt; 'tis just I should demand it; let them repel the Charge, or reform the Practice.
