Page:A Treatise concerning the Use and Abuse of the Marriage Bed.djvu/88

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[ 74 ]

Wife to act; that her Husband was wrong in it, and sometimes that would fetch some Tears from her: But she would not imitate that in Practice which she thought so ill became her Husband, so she bore it all as an Affliction.

I had in Friendship several times gently hinted to Mr. M——, that I thought he was too hard upon his Lady, that he knew she was a Woman of good Breeding, and had an uncommon share both of Wit and good Humour; but he might easily see she was not pleased with it, and that he seemed really to oppress her with it.

However, he went on, and putting one time very hard upon something in her Behaviour, which he pretended not to like, though really without Cause; she coloured at his Words, which shiew'd she resented them, and was mov'd; but she immediately recovered her self, and keeping back all her Resentment, she, with an inexpressible Goodness in her Face, and a Smile, said to him, My Dear, you would like it in any Body but your Wife.

I was indeed surprized at it, but her Husband much more; and after the Conversation was over, he came to me eager to speak: Well, says he, you heard what a Blow my Wife gave me; I acknowledge she has conquered me; I should have really liked it if it had been any one else, and I was entirely wrong; but I'll take your Advice, a Man should never make a common Jest of his Wife, and I'll do it no more I assure you.

I was mightily pleased to see the Effect it had upon him; for this Humour of jesting with his Wife, or rather making her the constant Sub-
