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Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/109

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returne of Israel from the Babylonish Captivity.

The first and rigid proposition is of the Morall Law alone, and as it was contained in the first writing, Exod. 20. The second is laid downe in Moses whole frame and oeconomy to that people. The first stands in full opposition to the Covenant of Grace, containing a perfect Covenant of workes: but the second is and may be subordinate to the Covenant of Grace, as will appeare. And this distinction (as they conceive) is further strengthened by the preparation unto the first delivery, Exod. 19. and what strictnesse was there required in the people to prepare themselves for their persons, and what a straite charge was given not to come neere the Mount, least they die, Vers. 12. in the delivery what terrible voices, lightnings, thunders, fire, &c. with the quaking of the earth, so that neither Priest nor people must come neare least they should be consumed of wrath in the giving of the Law, which when the people heard and saw, they could not endure, but desired Moses to be Mediatour betwixt God and them, least if they should heare God, they should die: which was the ground of that Aphorisme, Who ever saw God and lived; yea such was the terror that Moses himselfe said, I feare and quake, Heb. 12. 21. Thus the Morall Law was first given by God: but not written till the second going up, Exod. 24. 12. where God promiseth to find the tables, and write in them with his owne finger: and such was the feare of the second delivery, that Moses was glad to lenifie the former by reading the judicialls, which he had writ, and to offer sacrifice.

And thus Moses goes up the second time, and receives the two tables tarrying there forty dayes. Whilest Moses stayed the people brake the Covenant by Idolatry. God sent Moses downe, and by wise providence so ordered, that Moses brake the Tables of the Covenant; and now was all dasht, and Moses to begin againe to mediate for this sinne in Aaron and the people, Exod. 32. 19. Deut. 9. Hitherto in the delivery and writing of the Law Morall thunders nothing but wrath: and the more Law, the lesse obedience, till the Law was vailed and shadowed from them in the curse of it. Moses having thus travailed and broken those bare and open Tables, wherein was curse and plague with open face painted, he is called up againe. Exod. 34. Deut. 2. 1. but consider with what alteration. For first Moses now must hew the Tables, God would not deale with that, signifying that he wouldhave