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Of the Covenant of Grace under Moses till the

Law and Gospel, or the old and new Testament, not only the Morall Law, as it was given upon Mount Sinai, but the whole Jewish Pedagogie, or Law of Moses is understood, as it is manifest in sundry passages. Other things to be observed in that explication I will not insist upon at this present, because they will come to be touched hereafter, as we passe along.

The Law was never given or made positive without the Gospel, neither is the Gospel now without the Law, although the old Testament be usually called the Law, and the new the Gospel: because the Law is predominant in the one, and the Gospel in the other.Some Divines hold the old Testament, even the Law, as it was given upon Mount Sinai, to be the Covenant of Grace for substance, though propounded in a manner fitting to the state of that people, time and condition of the Church. It was so delivered as it might serve to discover sin, drive the Jews to deny themselves and flie to the mercy of God revealed in Jesus: but it was given to be a rule of life to a people in Covenant, directing them how to walk before God in holinesse and righteousnesse, that they might inherit the promises of grace and mercy. This I take to be the truth, and it may be confirmed by many and strong reasons out of the word of God. As first, by the contract of that spirituall marriage a little before the promulgation of the Law, described in these words: Exod. 19.4,5.Yee have seene what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on Eagles wings, and brought you unto my selfe. Now therefore if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keepe my Covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine. And yee shall be unto me a Kingdome of Priests, and an holy Nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel: whereunto the Prophet Jeremiah hath reference, saying, Jer. 11.2,3,4.Heare ye the words of this Covenant, and speak unto the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and say thou unto them, thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Cursed be the man that obeyeth not the words of this Covenant, which I commanded your Fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the Land of Egypt, from the iron fornace, saying obey my voice and doe them, according to all which I command you, so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God. Deut. 4.13.
1 King 8.21.
2 King. 23.2.
Booke of the Covenant, Ex. 24.7.
Deut. 4.23. & 5.2. & 9.9.
Jer. 3.16.
Hos. 8.1. Jer.7.23.
2 Chro. 6.11
Ex. 34.27,28.
Eph. 2.1,2.
And this without doubt is to be understood of the Decalogue, as it was given upon Mount Sinai, seeing Moses himselfe doth in expresse words testifie it. God himselfe (saith he) declared unto you his Covenant, which he commanded you to performe, even ten words, and he wrote them upon two tables of stone. In these passages observe, that the Law is called a Covenant, as it is oftenels-