two in substance opposite one to the other: but because the first Testament did not containe the Image of the things themselves, and Heb. 10.1.therfore was not to be rested in, as if we could be justified by the workes of the Law, or ceremoniall observances annexed: but must be used as an introduction to leade us unto Christ, who is the very Image of the things themselves. This first Covenant therfore could not be fulfilled or effectuall, but by the bringing in of a second, which was prefigured thereby. For the blood of Bulls and Goats was not availeable to purge away sinne: but did prefigure the blood of Christ, which is effectuall to purge our consciences from dead workes. Heb. 9.13,14.The blood of Bulls and of Goats, and the ashes of an Heifer sprinkling the uncleane, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh, sc. from a trespasse meerely committed against the Law of Ceremonies: but the bloody sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour Christ, whereof the legall Sacrifices were tipes and shadowes, was alone appointed of God, and is effectuall to cleanse us from all sinnes committed against the Morall Law of God, and to purifie us from such dead works, as, not expiated by his blood, would bring forth everlasting death. Of necessity therfore the first Covenant, because it is of grace, must bring forth a second, in which is fulfilled that which in the first is prefigured. Joh. 1.17.The Law was given by Moses, and Joh. 5.46.the righteousnesse of faith was taught by Moses, as our Saviour testifieth. Why then doth the Apostle in the words following add by way of opposition, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ? The sence of the place seemes to be this, That the Law prefiguring Christ, and redemption in him, and teaching and commanding what ought to be done, but neither giving grace to doe it, not containing the substance of the thing prefigured, was given by Moses: but grace to doe what was commanded came from Christ, in whom also the substance of what was prefigured by the Ceremonies, is fulfilled. But if the Law of Moses sent the Jewes to Christ, and directed them how to walke believing in him, but of it selfe did not give grace or truth, of necessity it must make knowne Christ in some sort, and command faith in him: which is proper to the Covenant of grace. 2 Cor. 3.6,7,9.
The Law is a killing letter (saith the Apostle) and the ministration of death and condemnation. But the same Law, which is called a dead or killing letter, is stiled λόγια ζῶντα
or as some bookes have it
λόγον ζῶντα:
Syr. verba viva
Ar. Sermonem vivum.a lively word, or lively oracles, that is, such as give life: The words of Paul ther-fore
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return of Israel from the Babylonish Captivity.