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Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/133

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return of Israel from the Babylonish Captivity.

woundeth, killeth and reviveth sinne by reason of our Corruption: But the Law considered in Christ, and as it pointeth unto him, killeth corruption, and converteth the soule. Gal. 3.10,17.
Act. 7.53.
The law was given ad ordinationes angelorum,
Syr. & Ar. per mandatum
, as Rom. 13.2. as a son is said to doe, ad nutum patris: as ל is used, Num. 16.34 or secundum, juxta ordinationes, as ל signifieth, Gen. 1.21 paralell to this are Gal. 3.19. Heb. 2.2. The reason & truth of these sayings seem to be, that the Angel which appeared to Moses in the bush, v. 5. and was with him in the wildernes, v. 39. did out of the midst of the Angels, which did on every side compasse him about, give the Law upon Mount Sinai, whereof the Sanctuary was a figure. Διαταγὴ ἀγγέλων is the same that decretum vigili.
In the Epistle to the Galathians the Apostle opposeth the Covenant of Grace to the Law in many things; as that the Law accurseth every one that continueth not in all things, that are written in the booke of the Law to doe them: that it was foure hundred and thirty yeares after the Covenant, which was confirmed before of God in Christ, &c. But it is to be remembred, that in those passages the Apostle disputeth against the Jewes, who trusted in the workes of the Law, and thought by the blood of Bulls and Goats to be purged from their sinnes, or of them that joyned the Law with Christ in the matter of Justification, as if Justification had been in part at least by the workes of the Law; which the Apostle every where condemnes as contrary to the intent and purpose of the Lord in giving the Law. The contrariety then of the Law or Old Testament, even of the Law as it beareth the figurative sprinkling of the bloud of Christ, and so pointeth us to him, unto the new Testament, or Covenant of grace, is not in themselves, but in the ignorance, pride and hardnesse of heart of them, who understood not, or did pervert the right end of the Law, as if it was given for Justification. The Law as it opposed to Christ, doth accurse every one that continueth not in all things, that are written in the booke of the Law to doe them: because he that trusteth in the Law, is convinced by the Law to be a transgressour: but the Law as given to them that be in Covenant, doth reprove every transgression, and convince every man of sinne, who continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the Law to do them, but doth not accurse the offendour in every jot or title, because in Christ sin is pardoned and forgiven. To the Jew, who rested in the works of the Law, and refused Christ, the Law which was given foure hundred and thirty yeares after, did make void the promise, or Covenant confirmed before of God in Christ: But according to the true meaning of the Law, and to them that used it aright, it did not make void the promise but establish it. What the Apostle citeth of the Law out of Deuteronomy, and noteth of the giving of the Law after the promise, is for substance preached by the Prophet Jeremy at the Lords appointment, when he speaketh of this Covenant of grace without all question. Heareye