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and what Moses brought to the further expressure, &c.

betroth thee unto me in righteousnesse, and in judgement, and in loving kindnesse, and in mercies. But when the Lord made this Covenant, he betrothed himself unto Israel. And when he made this Covenant, he did more fully proclaime his great name, and make his mercy better knowne, then formerly he had done, for ought we find. For he passed by before Moses, and proclaimed, Exod. 34.6,7.The Lord, the Lord God, strong, mercifull, and gracious, longsuffering, abundant in goodnesse and truth: keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, and transgression and sinne, and that will by no meanes cleare the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the children unto the third and the fourth generation. Which glorious description of Almighty God is Numb. 14.18.
Psal. 86.15.
Psal. 103.8. & 145.8.
Nehem. 9.17.
Jon. 4.2.
often mentioned by Moses, and the Prophets, as the ground and foundation of their faith, hope and comfort. And whereas he had Exod. 6.3.appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by the Name of God Allmighty: Now he was knowne to the Israelites by his Name Jehovah: which Name denoteth both Gods being in himselfe, and his giving of being unto, (that is, the performance of) his word and promise, in which latter respect he here saith, he was not knowne to the Fathers by this Name, or as the Greek and Chaldee translate it, he manifested not, nor made knowne this Name. They being sustained by faith in Gods Almighty power, without receiving the thing promised, Act 7. 5. Heb. 11. 9, 10. But now their children should receive the promise, and so have full knowledge and experience of Gods power and goodnesse, and of the efficacie of that his Name Jehovah, which therefore they sung to his praise, upon their full deliverance from the Egyptians, Exodus 15. 3. Isa. 49.23. &
52.6. & 60.16.
Ezek. 28.22,23,
& 30.19,25,26.
So upon performance of further promises or judgements, he saith, they shall know him to be Jehovah.

This Covenant was given with tokens of majestie and terrour: Exod. 19.18,
Deut. 5.4,22.
for Mount Sinai was all of it on a smoake, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoake thereof ascended as the smoake of a fornace, and all the Mountaine trembled exceedingly, and the voice of the Trumpet was going and waxing strong exceedingly. The Mountaines saw the Lord and trembled, Hab. 3. 10. they leaped like Rammes, Psal. 114. 4. The earth quaked, the heavens also dropped at the presence of God, even Sinai it selfe at the presence of God, the God of Israel, Psal. 68. 9. Judg. 5. 5. The mountaine burnt with fire unto the midst of heaven, withdarknesse,