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and what Moses brought to the further expressure, &c.

mercy of God to be incarnate, to be made King and Judge of the earth, which may be cleared by the very letter and circumstance of the text. For the expected comfort, whereupon this Psalmist pitcheth, is this, vers. 18The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his Kingdome ruleth over all: And this is that Kingdom and that throne, which Daniel fore-told, that God long after his time would erect, Da. 2. 44. Joh. 1.12,13.To be born of God, what is it, but to be born of immortall seedIsa. 40.6,7,8., & what is that immortal seed, wherof Sᵗ Peter saith, 1 Pet. 1.23,24.we are born again, but the flesh and bloud of the Son of man, who is also the Son of God, whose flesh is meat indeed, & whose bloud is drinke indeed, which nourisheth us not to a bodily, but to a spirituall and immortall life, which presupposeth an immortall seed. We are begotten and borne againe by the preaching of the Word, as by the instrument or meanes: and by the the eternall word, that is (by Christ himselfe) as by the proper and efficient cause of our new-birth. Thus much Sᵗ Peters words in that place will enforce us to grant according to the letter. For having before declared, that the word of God (by which we are borne againe) doth live and endure for ever, he thus concludes, and this is the word, which by the Gospel is preached unto you, 1 Pet. 1. 25. Moses also and the Prophets did fore-tell, that the Messiah (or mercifull one, or gracious Saint, as he is called, Psal. 16. 10.) should be Psal. 8.6.
Heb. 2.7.
made for a little time lower then Angels, and after crowned with glory and honour, and set over the works of the Lords hands: that he should suffer death and rise againe: be laid in the grave, Psa. 16.10.but not see corruption. That he should be Deut. 18.15,
the great Doctour of the Church, Psal. 110.1,2,3.a Priest after the order of Melchisedech: the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, whom God would set upon his holy hill of Sion. His death and resurrection, Kingdome and Priest-hood was prefigured by the Sacrifices and Serpent, the Priest-hood of Aaron and Kingdom of Israel. But of these things more fully in the new Covenant.

This Covenant was made in Christ the promised Messiah, in and through whom the faithfull obtained the blessings promised: but according to the administration of this Covenant Moses was the Mediatour: and herewith in this expression is embellished above the former. The Law was ordained by Angels in the hand of a Mediatour, Gal. 3. 19. Lev. 26.46.
Deut. 5.5.
that is, by the labour and ministery of Moses: which though some doubt of, is yet confirmed from this,that