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Of the Covenant that God made with David.

gladness above thy fellows, that is, above all Christians, who are thy fellows, consorts and partners in the annointing. To offer up himselfe once for all a sweet smelling Sacrifice unto the Father, for the sins of his people. Psal. 40.7,8.
Exod. 21.6.
Sacrifice and burnt-offering thou wouldst not have, but mine eare hast thou boared, or digged open: that is, thou hast made me obedient to thy voice: or mine eare hast thou boared, as thy servant for ever. The Septuagint to make the sence plainer, say, but a body hast thou fitted to me, or prepared me: meaning that his body was ordained and fitted to be a Sacrifice for the sins of the world, when other legall Sacrifices were refused as unprofitable. Heb. 10.5,10.Loe I come, or am come, scil. into the world, to give my self a Sacrifice for sin. Heb. 10.10.
Joh. 6.38
In the volume, or role of thy booke it is written of me, that I should doe thy will; by the which will we are sanctified, even by the offering of the body of Jesus once. In respect of his kingdome, power, glory, dignity, dominion and rule or government. Psal. 2.8.Aske of me, and I will give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Psal. 72.8,11.He shall have dominion from Sea to Sea, and from the River unto the ends of the Land. All Kings shall worship him, all Nations shall doe him service. Psal. 89.30,
His seed shall be for ever, and his throne as the Sun before me. As the Moon it shall be established for ever: And as a faithfull witnesse in heaven. His seed will I establish for ever; Isa. 53.10.
Heb. 2.13.
Ps. 22.23.
that is, Christians borne of God, which are called Christs seed and children, as Christ is called Isa. 9.6.the everlasting Father. Psa. 68.18.
Eph. 4.8,9.
Thou hast ascended up on high, thou hast led captivity captive, thou hast taken gifts for men, that is, thou hast given and distributed gifts among men, which are the Ministers of the Gospell, given for the good of the Church.

Ps. 89.34,35,36.
2 Sam. 7.28
Thou hast told this goodnesse unto thy servant,
Psal. 89.24. My truth also, and my mercie shall be with him,
Ps. 132.11. The Lord sware unto David in truth,
This Covenant the Lord made of his rich mercy and grace, which he confirmed by Oath, My mercy I will not make frustrate from with him, nor deale falsly against my faithfullnesse. I will not profane my Covenant, nor alter that which is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworne by my holinesse, if I lie unto David. Once have I sworne, as God spake once, Psal. 62. 11. that is, unchangeably: for an oath cannot be revoked, there is no danger of inconstancy. David himselfe was a type, and did beare the person of Christ, and many things spoken of David, were more properly fulfilled in Christ the person typified, then in David: as,Ps. 22.1.My