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Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/160

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Of the Covenant that God made with David.

2 Sam. 7.14,15.
1 King.11.11,12,
Psal. 132.11,12.
forsake my Law, and walke not in my judgements, if they breake my statutes, and keepe not my Commandements: Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stroakes: But my loving kindnesse will I not take from him, neither will I falsifie my truth. True it is, the Lord did correct the posterity of David for their sinne with moderate correction, and for their profit, that they might be partakers of holinesse: But even when it did not bud or come on according to that which seemed to be promised, the Lord was most faithfull in his promises: for it was their sinne that kept them downe. 1 King. 11.39.And for this (saith the Lord to Solomon) I will afflict the house of David, but not for ever: for the whole spirituall kingdome was restored in the Messiah. Psal. 132.17,18.I will make the horne of David to bud, I have ordained a lampe for mine annointed: that is, I will make the Kingdome and power to encrease. 1 King. 15.4.For Davids sake did the Lord his God give him a light in Jerusalem, and set up his son after him, and established Jerusalem. 2 King. 8.19.Yet the Lord would not destroy Judah, for David his servants sake, as he had promised him, to give him a light, and to his children for ever. Psal. 18.51.Great deliverance giveth he unto his King (he is the magnifier of salvations unto his King) and sheweth mercy unto his annointed, to David and to his seed for ever.

7. Psal. 132.16.That the Priests should be cloathed with salvation, and the Saints with joyfullnesse: that is, the ministration of the Priests should be profitable and saving to the people, which should be an ornament to them, as a garment of honour, and the people should sing cheerefully. The salvation of the person only is not here meant, but the conservation of the ministery; as if it should be said, I will cause that the ministery of the Priests be safe, that it shall not be troubled with ungodly men, nor defiled with the filth of errour: and that it shall be effectuall in the minds of the godly, and many by the blessing of this ministery may obtaine eternall happinesse. It may also be applied to the private salvation of the Priests, because they should be defended and protected from above, and adorned with blessings of all kind. Great and pretious are the promises which God hath given to Israel in this Covenant: as that God by visible testimonies of his presence would be pleased to dwell amongst them, and not forsake them, that he would heare their prayers, when they prayed before him towards his holy Temple; that the Church and politie of Israel should continue,that