wives inticed him to Idolatry: and the Lord rent ten tribes from the house of David. In after times the house of David fell away more and more, the Priests neglected the charge of God, and the people grew prophane, obstinate, impenitent: and then the Lord abhorred his people, was wroth with his heritage, and gave his glory unto the enemies hand. Jerusalem was laid wast and desolate, the Temple burnt with fire, the Princes led captive and made tributary, the aged were despised, the young men made slaves and bond men, maidens defloured, and children dashed against the walles. They were slaine with the sword, burnt up with famine, languished through oppression, misery and sorrow, had in contempt and derision daily, but there was none to pittie or comfort them. Neverthelesse, the promise of God was firme and sure to all the seed, in respect of the things absolutely promised, for the infidelity of man cannot make the faith of God of none effect.
Hence we learne, two things are to be considered in the Covenant, 1. The persons in Covenant according to the externall administration, or according to the effectuall purpose and internall administration. 2. The good things promised not only temporall, but spirituall. For they are either such as are absolutely necessary to salvation, or such as concerne the welfare of a Christian, his peace, joy, chearfull and constant walking with God without offence, and such like. To the first sort, the promises of the Covenant are made sincerely, but conditionally, If they doe well they shall be accepted; if they consent and obey, they shall inherit the good things of the Land. To the other being effectually called, all other promises are made absolutely, or at least shall absolutely be made good, because God will give them to doe what he requireth. Effectuall calling is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. It is wrought freely, effectually, certainly, but when, where and as the Lord will, not conditionally, nor according to promise to this or that person. God promiseth he will preserve his Church, and uphold the seed of David: but to this or that person God hath not promised, that he shall be brought home, or gathered to the flock. The Covenant made presupposeth man called, and taking hold of the Covenant, it doth not promise that he shall be effectually wrought upon, and powerfully drawne to lay hould upon the promise. Faith is the gift of God, which he giveth ashe