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Of the Covenant that God made with Israel,

because the vision would speake in its appointed season, and not lie, he doth unfold the Doctrine of free Justification by faith in Christ more plainely then formerly it had been expressed in the Law of Moses, adding, Behold,Hab. 2.4. his soul which is lifted up, is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith. Whence the Apostle inferreth, that we are justified by free grace, and not byGal. 3.11. the works of the Law in the sight of God. In the Originall it is, The just shall live in his faith: but that particle     בis oft very well rendred by ªOf,a. Deut 6.5.
Mar. 12.30.
Luke 10.27.
Rom. 1.17.
Gal. 3.11.
Heb. 10.38.
Deut. 32.21.
Hos. 12.13.
Psal. 78.2.
Act. 17.28.
Psal. 18.30.
Matth. 17.21.
Phil. 4.13.
or By: and it is all one whether we reade it, The just shall live by, of, or in faith, the sense being, The just shall live the life of grace here, and of glory hereafter in or by faith. That which the Prophet speaketh in generall of all the Promises of God, that the godly might certainly and constantly hold, in what thing they ought to rest in the midst of all stormes and tempests, and whence they may live securely in the distresses of death, that the Apostle doth specially interpret of Justification and life eternall, which we obtaine by faith. The Prophet and Apostle both speake of a lively faith, which is effectuall to bring forth good works: but we obtain life eternall by faith, and not by works. To live here is to obtaine life or glory, not to leade our life according to the Law, or rule of righteousnesse: as the drift of the Prophet, and Exposition of the Apostle, opposing the life which is by faith, to that which is by the works of the Law, which could not be, if to live by faith had been to direct our life according to the Law. Though then the righteous man must exercise himselfe in righteousnesse, yet he is justified and liveth, that is, obtaineth life eternall by faith, and not by the works of faith.

Now the Lord, the strong Redeemer of his people, according toJer. 24.6,7.
and 50.20,34.
Ezek. 20.34,
the word of his Prophets, brought back their Captivity with joy in his time appointed, planted them in their own Land, brought them into the bond of his Covenant, and set up his Tabernacle amongst them. When Psal. 126.1,2.the Lord (saith the Psalmist) brought back the Captivity of Zion, we were like them that dreame. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they amongst the Heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. And the Prophet Zachary,Zech. 9.11. As for thee also, by the blood of thy Covenant, I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit, wherein is no water. By this great, speciall, late and new blessing, theLord