6. An honest heart is no lesse carefull to returne praise for graces and good things received, then to beg supply of what is wanting.Isa. 33.1. This is the study of the upright (and it becomes them well) in which they diligently apply themselves, to set forth the goodnesse, power, mercy, and rich grace of God vouchsafed unto them.
7. To the upright man the hardest things are easie: because they are industrious and chearefull in the workes they take in hand, according to the Lords appointment. The way of the slothfull is an hedge of thornes:Pro. 15.19 but the way of the upright is made plain.
8. The down-right Christian is carefull to shunne all appearances, occasions, and provocations unto sin,Job 31.1. willing to suffer admonition and rebuke,Psal. 141.4,5 and constant in the use of all means, that he might grow in grace.
The means whereby truth and uprightnesse may be attained and strengthened are;
1. Constant and conscionable dependance upon the preaching of the word, effectuall receiving and sound feeding upon it. Desire the sincere milke of the word,1 Pet. 2.1. saith the Apostle. He cals the word sincere milke, a milke without deceit: It is in it selfe truth, having the God of truth for the Authour, Christ Jesus the truthJoh. 14.6. for the witnesse, the Spirit of truth for the composer of it: and it worketh truth in the hearts of them that heare and receive it kindly. It is mighty to the purging out of that leaven of fraud, which is within us, and to the transforming of us into the image of God, if it be kindly planted and soundly rooted in the heart and conscience. Sanctifie them with thy truth, thy word is truth.Joh. 17.17. This is that which begets faith, and faith is that which purifieth the heart. How came the Romanes to that heartinesse and sincerity of obedience, which Paul commends so much, was it not by that forme of holy Doctrine which was delivered?Rom. 6.17. Or as we reade it sometimes, unto which they were delivered: wherein the truth of God is compared unto a mould into which they were cast, and by which they were transposed into a new forme, enabled to walke sincerely and without halting before the Lord. The mind must be truly informed, or the heart can never move aright. But there is no meanes to come to the knowledge of the truth, but by the word of God, which is the word of truth, and Gospell of salva-tion.