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and how God hath revealed himself therein.

thest, doe yet confesse it is spoken of the times of the Gospell: and that appeareth evidently by the reason of the Apostle, confirming that saying, that God will that all men be saved, from this, that God is the God of all men by Covenant, and Christ the Mediatour of all men in Covenant, and by the Gospell, the Word of truth, the saving truth of God was brought unto all in Covenant. Besides, in the old Testament the Doctrine of the Trinity of persons in the unity of the God-head was more obscurely taught: but in the new Testament we are clearely and most comfortably assured, that the Father, Son, and holy Ghost do sweetly conspire to perfect the Salvation of the Faithfull, and confirme unto them the promises of the Covenant; There be three that beare record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one.1 Joh. 5.7. Goe ye therefore and teach all Nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost.Matth. 28.19. If in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word must stand: why should a Christian question or doubt of the promises of mercy made in the Covenant, assured unto him by the Father, Sonne and holy Ghost. God the Father promiseth, that in his only begotten Sonne, he will be a mercifull Father to all Believers, that he will give him to them for a Redeemer, accept his satisfaction for them, give them his Spirit, and bestow upon them righteousnesse and salvation. The Sonne doth promise, that he will be Redeemer of the faithfull, by doctrine, merit, and efficacy; that he will deliver them from the power of Satan, bring them into perpetuall favour with God, wash them from all the filthinesse of their sins, and be unto them, as he is made of the Father, Wisedome, Righteousnesse, Sanctification and Redemption. The holy Ghost doth promise, that being redeemed by the bloud of Christ, by the presence of his grace, he will cleanse them from all inherent sinne, and repaire the Image of God in them: leade them into all truth and holinesse, inable them to cry, Abba Father, seale them for the Lords, and abide with them by his grace and comfort as an earnest of the inheritance, untill the redemption of the purchased possession.

This Covenant was stricken with all Nations, or the world in opposition to the Jewish Nation: for now the promise made to Abraham was fulfilled, In thee shall all Nations of the earth be blessed:Gal. 3.8. now the prophecies touching the calling of the Gentiles,Isai. 44.6.and