Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/216

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Christ the Mediatour of the New Testament

made in Christ, and Christ died in some sort for them that be under the Covenant, it will not be out of place first to shew for whom Christ died and rose again, and then how Christ is the Mediatour of the New Testament, and what is the exaltation and Prerogative of the new above the old Covenant in that respect.

Touching the first there be two main opinions of Divines. The first sort hold, that he died for all and every man with a purpose to save. But in the explication of their Tenent they adde. 1.Corvin. in Mol.
cap. 28. Sect. 1.
& 4. & 10.
That Christ died for all men considered in the common lapse or fall, but not as obstinate, impenitent, or unbelievers. Christ died not, say they, for Cain and Judas, as such, or as they should perish, nor for Abell and Peter as faithfull, in respect of the impetration of Salvation:Resp. ad Epist
Minist. Walak.
pag. 51. Armin.
Worst. part.
Secunda necess.
Synod. declar.
sent. remonst.
circa Art. Sect.
de morte Christi.
Thomson. diatr.
cap. 4.
Corvin. in Mol.
cap.27. Sect. 4.
& cap. 12. Sect.
but without difference for them considered in the common state and condition of the fall and sin. 2. That Christ died for all men in respect of the impetration of Salvation, but the application thereof is proper to believers. 3. That Christ died not to bring all or any man actually to Salvation, and make them partakers of righteousnesse and life; but to purchase salvabilitie and reconciliation so farre, as that God might and would, salva justitia, deale with them upon termes of a better Covenant, which might well stand allthough it should be applied to no man, no man should be reconciled or saved by Christ, God should have no Church on earth, or Saint be crowned with glory in heaven. 4. That Christ hath purchased salvabilitie for all men, but faith and regeneration he hath merited for none: because God is bound to give that which Christ hath merited of him, although it be not desired or craved. Exam. Censur. Cap. 8. pag. 95. & Cap. 7. pag. 87 & Respons. ad specul. 11. 107.Exam. Cens. Other poitions[errata 1] they hold, which hang not together, nor agree with that which hath been mentioned; as that God neither would, nor could by right condemne any man for the sinne of Adam, and that Originall sinne so called, is properly neither sinne, nor punishment: And then if Christ died for mankind in the common lapse, he died for them that never had sinned, nor deserved punishment. Againe they teach that all Infants,Corvin. in Mol.
cap. 28. Sect.
whether of believing or Infidell parents, dying without actuall sinnes committed in their owne person, are restord into the favour of God, regenerated and saved: and that because God hath taken all mankind intothe

  1. Correction: poitions should be amended to positions