Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/315

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or how he is the Mediatour of the New Testament.

God. Mark 16. 19 to sit on the right hand of the power of God, Luk. 22. 69. and to sit downe on the right hand of the Majestie on high. Heb. 1. 3. The right and left hand are proper differences of corporall positions: but figuratively the right hand is put for power, strength, counsell, work, aide, love and fidelity; as Psal. 26. 10. Their right hand is full of bribes. Psal. 144. 8. 11. Their right hand is a right hand of falshood, that is, either confidence in their own power will deceive themselves, or they will deceive others to whom they promise succour and assistance. 1 Sam 14. 19. Is not the hand of Ioab with thee in all this? Gal. 2. 9. They gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship. And being applyed to God it notes his power, strength, aide, Majestie, glory, soveraignty, and divine authority.Isai. 48.13.
right hand to span the heavens.
Psal. 44. 3. Thy right hand, and thine arme, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them. Psal. 77. 10. This is mine infirmity, but I will remember the yeares of the right hand of the most High: where we find Gods hand, that is, his power opposed to the infirmity of his servant. My infirmity and weake faith made me apt to sinke under the sense of Gods displeasure, but when I called to mind the experiences of Gods former power in like distresses, I recollected my spirits, and was refreshed again, Psal. 89. 13. Strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand. Psal. 20. 6. He will heare him from his holy heaven, with the saving strength of his right hand. Psal. 21. 8. Thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee. Psal. 118. 16. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord doth valiantly. Psal. 17. 7. Shew thy marvellous kindnesse, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee. Psal. 48. 10. Thy right hand is full of righteousnesse. Psal. 138. 7. Thy right hand shall save me. Psal. 139. 10. Even there shall thy hand leade me, and thy right hand shall hold me. Hab. 2. 16. The cup of the Lords right hand shall be turned unto thee.

And God strengtheneth, and helpeth and upholdeth his people by the right hand of his righteousnesse. Isai. 41. 10. that is, by his power and faithfull promises, which in their weaknesse strengthens them, in their fear and flagging helps them, in their sinking and falling upholds them. Therefore also Gods right hand is called the right hand of Majestie, Heb. 1. 3. and the right hand of power. Luk. 22. 69.

To sit properly betokeneth a site of body opposite to standing, ormoving: